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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * A menu object. This is the container to which you may add {@link Ext.menu.Item menu items}.
 * Menus may contain either {@link Ext.menu.Item menu items}, or general {@link Ext.Component Components}.
 * Menus may also contain {@link Ext.panel.AbstractPanel#dockedItems docked items} because it extends {@link Ext.panel.Panel}.
 * By default, non {@link Ext.menu.Item menu items} are indented so that they line up with the text of menu items. clearing
 * the icon column. To make a contained general {@link Ext.Component Component} left aligned configure the child
 * Component with `indent: false.
 * By default, Menus are absolutely positioned, floating Components. By configuring a Menu with `{@link #floating}: false`,
 * a Menu may be used as a child of a {@link Ext.container.Container Container}.
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
 *         width: 100,
 *         margin: '0 0 10 0',
 *         floating: false,  // usually you want this set to True (default)
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),  // usually rendered by it's containing component
 *         items: [{
 *             text: 'regular item 1'
 *         },{
 *             text: 'regular item 2'
 *         },{
 *             text: 'regular item 3'
 *         }]
 *     });
 *     Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
 *         width: 100,
 *         plain: true,
 *         floating: false,  // usually you want this set to True (default)
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),  // usually rendered by it's containing component
 *         items: [{
 *             text: 'plain item 1'
 *         },{
 *             text: 'plain item 2'
 *         },{
 *             text: 'plain item 3'
 *         }]
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.menu.Menu', {
    extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
    alias: 'widget.menu',
    requires: [

     * @property {Ext.menu.Menu} parentMenu
     * The parent Menu of this Menu.
     * @cfg {Boolean} [enableKeyNav=true]
     * True to enable keyboard navigation for controlling the menu.
     * This option should generally be disabled when form fields are
     * being used inside the menu.
    enableKeyNav: true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [allowOtherMenus=false]
     * True to allow multiple menus to be displayed at the same time.
    allowOtherMenus: false,

     * @cfg {String} ariaRole
     * @private
    ariaRole: 'menu',

     * @cfg {Boolean} autoRender
     * Floating is true, so autoRender always happens.
     * @private

     * @cfg {Boolean} [floating=true]
     * A Menu configured as `floating: true` (the default) will be rendered as an absolutely positioned,
     * {@link Ext.Component#floating floating} {@link Ext.Component Component}. If configured as `floating: false`, the Menu may be
     * used as a child item of another {@link Ext.container.Container Container}.
    floating: true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} constrain
     * Menus are constrained to the document body by default.
     * @private
    constrain: true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [hidden=undefined]
     * True to initially render the Menu as hidden, requiring to be shown manually.
     * Defaults to `true` when `floating: true`, and defaults to `false` when `floating: false`.
    hidden: true,

    hideMode: 'visibility',

     * @cfg {Boolean} [ignoreParentClicks=false]
     * True to ignore clicks on any item in this menu that is a parent item (displays a submenu)
     * so that the submenu is not dismissed when clicking the parent item.
    ignoreParentClicks: false,

     * @property {Boolean} isMenu
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Menu, or subclass thereof.
    isMenu: true,

     * @cfg {Ext.enums.Layout/Object} layout
     * @private

     * @cfg {Boolean} [showSeparator=true]
     * True to show the icon separator.
    showSeparator : true,

     * @cfg {Number} [minWidth=120]
     * The minimum width of the Menu. The default minWidth only applies when the {@link #floating} config is true.
    minWidth: undefined,

    defaultMinWidth: 120,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [plain=false]
     * True to remove the incised line down the left side of the menu and to not indent general Component items.
     * {@link Ext.menu.Item MenuItem}s will *always* have space at their start for an icon. With the `plain` setting,
     * non {@link Ext.menu.Item MenuItem} child components will not be indented to line up.
     * Basically, `plain:true` makes a Menu behave more like a regular {@link Ext.layout.container.HBox HBox layout}
     * {@link Ext.panel.Panel Panel} which just has the same background as a Menu.
     * See also the {@link #showSeparator} config.

    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this,
            prefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix,
            cls = [prefix + 'menu'],
            bodyCls = me.bodyCls ? [me.bodyCls] : [],
            isFloating = me.floating !== false;

             * @event click
             * Fires when this menu is clicked
             * @param {Ext.menu.Menu} menu The menu which has been clicked
             * @param {Ext.Component} item The menu item that was clicked. `undefined` if not applicable.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The underlying {@link Ext.EventObject}.

             * @event mouseenter
             * Fires when the mouse enters this menu
             * @param {Ext.menu.Menu} menu The menu
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The underlying {@link Ext.EventObject}

             * @event mouseleave
             * Fires when the mouse leaves this menu
             * @param {Ext.menu.Menu} menu The menu
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The underlying {@link Ext.EventObject}

             * @event mouseover
             * Fires when the mouse is hovering over this menu
             * @param {Ext.menu.Menu} menu The menu
             * @param {Ext.Component} item The menu item that the mouse is over. `undefined` if not applicable.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The underlying {@link Ext.EventObject}


        // Menu classes
        if (me.plain) {
            cls.push(prefix + 'menu-plain');
        me.cls = cls.join(' ');

        // Menu body classes
        bodyCls.push(prefix + 'menu-body', Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls);
        me.bodyCls = bodyCls.join(' ');

        // Internal vbox layout, with scrolling overflow
        // Placed in initComponent (rather than prototype) in order to support dynamic layout/scroller
        // options if we wish to allow for such configurations on the Menu.
        // e.g., scrolling speed, vbox align stretch, etc.
        if (!me.layout) {
            me.layout = {
                type: 'vbox',
                align: 'stretchmax',
                overflowHandler: 'Scroller'

        if (isFloating)  {
            // only apply the minWidth when we're floating & one hasn't already been set
            if (me.minWidth === undefined) {
                me.minWidth = me.defaultMinWidth;
        } else {
            // hidden defaults to false if floating is configured as false
            me.hidden = !!me.initialConfig.hidden;
            me.constrain = false;


    // Private implementation for Menus. They are a special case.
    // They are always global floaters, never contained.
    registerWithOwnerCt: function() {
        if (this.floating) {
            this.ownerCt = null;

    // Menus do not have owning containers on which they depend for visibility. They stand outside
    // any container hierarchy.
    initHierarchyEvents: Ext.emptyFn,

    // Menus are never contained, and must not ascertain their visibility from the ancestor hierarchy
    isVisible: function() {
        return this.callParent();

    // As menus are never contained, a Menu's visibility only ever depends upon its own hidden state.
    // Ignore hiddenness from the ancestor hierarchy, override it with local hidden state.
    getHierarchyState: function() {
        var result = this.callParent();
        result.hidden = this.hidden;
        return result;

    beforeRender: function() {

        // Menus are usually floating: true, which means they shrink wrap their items.
        // However, when they are contained, and not auto sized, we must stretch the items.
        if (!this.getSizeModel().width.shrinkWrap) {
            this.layout.align = 'stretch';

    onBoxReady: function() {
        var me = this;


        // TODO: Move this to a subTemplate When we support them in the future
        if (me.showSeparator) {
            me.iconSepEl = me.layout.getElementTarget().insertFirst({
                cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu-icon-separator',
                html: ' '

        me.mon(me.el, {
            click: me.onClick,
            mouseover: me.onMouseOver,
            scope: me
        me.mouseMonitor = me.el.monitorMouseLeave(100, me.onMouseLeave, me);

        // A Menu is a Panel. The KeyNav can use the Panel's KeyMap
        if (me.enableKeyNav) {
            me.keyNav = new Ext.menu.KeyNav({
                target: me,
                keyMap: me.getKeyMap()

    getRefOwner: function() {
        // If a submenu, this will have a parentMenu property
        // If a menu of a Button, it will have an ownerButton property
        // Else use the default method.
        return this.parentMenu || this.ownerButton || this.callParent(arguments);

     * Returns whether a menu item can be activated or not.
     * @return {Boolean}
    canActivateItem: function(item) {
        return item && !item.isDisabled() && item.isVisible() && (item.canActivate || item.getXTypes().indexOf('menuitem') < 0);

     * Deactivates the current active item on the menu, if one exists.
    deactivateActiveItem: function(andBlurFocusedItem) {
        var me = this,
            activeItem = me.activeItem,
            focusedItem = me.focusedItem;

        if (activeItem) {
            if (!activeItem.activated) {
                delete me.activeItem;

        // Blur the focused item if we are being asked to do that too
        // Only needed if we are being hidden - mouseout does not blur.
        if (focusedItem && andBlurFocusedItem) {
            delete me.focusedItem;

    // @inheritdoc
    getFocusEl: function() {
        return this.focusedItem || this.el;

    // @inheritdoc
    hide: function() {

    // @private
    getItemFromEvent: function(e) {
        return this.getChildByElement(e.getTarget());

    lookupComponent: function(cmp) {
        var me = this;

        if (typeof cmp == 'string') {
            cmp = me.lookupItemFromString(cmp);
        } else if (Ext.isObject(cmp)) {
            cmp = me.lookupItemFromObject(cmp);

        // Apply our minWidth to all of our child components so it's accounted
        // for in our VBox layout
        cmp.minWidth = cmp.minWidth || me.minWidth;

        return cmp;

    // @private
    lookupItemFromObject: function(cmp) {
        var me = this,
            prefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix,

        if (!cmp.isComponent) {
            if (!cmp.xtype) {
                cmp = Ext.create('Ext.menu.' + (Ext.isBoolean(cmp.checked) ? 'Check': '') + 'Item', cmp);
            } else {
                cmp = Ext.ComponentManager.create(cmp, cmp.xtype);

        if (cmp.isMenuItem) {
            cmp.parentMenu = me;

        if (!cmp.isMenuItem && !cmp.dock) {
            cls = [prefix + 'menu-item-cmp'];

            // The "plain" setting means that the menu does not look so much like a menu. It's more like a grey Panel.
            // So it has no vertical separator.
            // Plain menus also will not indent non MenuItem components; there is nothing to indent them to the right of.
            if (!me.plain && (cmp.indent !== false || cmp.iconCls === 'no-icon')) {
                cls.push(prefix + 'menu-item-indent');

            if (cmp.rendered) {
            } else {
                cmp.cls = (cmp.cls || '') + ' ' + cls.join(' ');
        return cmp;

    // @private
    lookupItemFromString: function(cmp) {
        return (cmp == 'separator' || cmp == '-') ?
            new Ext.menu.Separator()
            : new Ext.menu.Item({
                canActivate: false,
                hideOnClick: false,
                plain: true,
                text: cmp

    onClick: function(e) {
        var me = this,

        if (me.disabled) {

        item = (e.type === 'click') ? me.getItemFromEvent(e) : me.activeItem;
        if (item && item.isMenuItem) {
            if (!item.menu || !me.ignoreParentClicks) {
            } else {
        // Click event may be fired without an item, so we need a second check
        if (!item || item.disabled) {
            item = undefined;
        me.fireEvent('click', me, item, e);

    onDestroy: function() {
        var me = this;

        me.parentMenu = me.ownerButton = null;
        if (me.rendered) {
            me.keyNav = null;

    onMouseLeave: function(e) {
        var me = this;


        if (me.disabled) {

        me.fireEvent('mouseleave', me, e);

    onMouseOver: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            fromEl = e.getRelatedTarget(),
            mouseEnter = !me.el.contains(fromEl),
            item = me.getItemFromEvent(e),
            parentMenu = me.parentMenu,
            parentItem = me.parentItem;

        if (mouseEnter && parentMenu) {

        if (me.disabled) {

        // Do not activate the item if the mouseover was within the item, and it's already active
        if (item && !item.activated) {
            if (item.activated && item.expandMenu) {
        if (mouseEnter) {
            me.fireEvent('mouseenter', me, e);
        me.fireEvent('mouseover', me, item, e);

    setActiveItem: function(item) {
        var me = this;

        if (item && (item != me.activeItem)) {
            if (me.canActivateItem(item)) {
                if (item.activate) {
                    if (item.activated) {
                        me.activeItem = item;
                        me.focusedItem = item;
                } else {
                    me.focusedItem = item;

    showBy: function(cmp, pos, off) {
        var me = this;

        if (!me.hidden) {
            // show may have been vetoed
        return me;

    beforeShow: function() {
        var me = this,

        // Constrain the height to the containing element's viewable area
        if (me.floating) {
            me.savedMaxHeight = me.maxHeight;
            viewHeight = me.container.getViewSize().height;
            me.maxHeight = Math.min(me.maxHeight || viewHeight, viewHeight);


    afterShow: function() {
        var me = this;


        // Restore configured maxHeight
        if (me.floating) {
            me.maxHeight = me.savedMaxHeight;

    // @private
    // adjust the vertical position of the menu if the height of the
    // menu is equal (or greater than) the viewport size
    setVerticalPosition: function() {
        var me = this,
            y = me.getY(),
            returnY = y,
            height = me.getHeight(),
            viewportHeight = Ext.Element.getViewportHeight().height,
            parentEl = me.el.parent(),
            viewHeight = parentEl.getViewSize().height,
            normalY = y - parentEl.getScroll().top; // factor in scrollTop of parent

        parentEl = null;

        if (me.floating) {
            max = me.maxHeight ? me.maxHeight : viewHeight - normalY;
            if (height > viewHeight) {
                returnY = y - normalY;
            } else if (max < height) {
                returnY = y - (height - max);
            } else if((y + height) > viewportHeight){ // keep the document from scrolling
                returnY = viewportHeight - height;